enviroSMART™ Seminar
Waste management has become one of the biggest challenges facing the construction industry and our country as a whole. There is a need for all businesses to consider the impact of increasing waste disposal costs on their bottom line and ensure they are up to date with the latest techniques in waste management, to maintain market competition.
Dunton helps educate Clients on remediation and waste management strategies and solutions for soil and waste recycling to reduce your waste disposal costs, saving you time and money.
The projects below have all benefitted from our extensive knowledge and capability when dealing with WASTE, CONTAMINATION and FOUNDATION issues.
ELIMINATE LANDFILL TAX – Remediate – Reuse – Recycle
NATIONAL COLLEGE HS2 3500m3 Heavy metals and Asbestos contaminated materials were exported to our Wolverhampton recycling hub.
JAGUAR LANDROVER Solihull 10,000m3 silts recovered and re-used on site.
HURLINGHAM WALK Fulham 8000m3 of Hydrocarbon impacted soils in basement dig treated on site to allow low cost off site disposal.
i54 South Staffordshire enterprise zone 34,000m3 of Heavy Metals impacted soils remediated for re-use on site
ELMBRIDGE LEISURE CENTER, Esher Surrey 105,000m3 of household land fill, re-engineered to build Olympic quality running track from materials with pockets of Heavy metals and Asbestos
Targetting 100% diversion from Landfill
Hitting >95% diversion from Landfill
Envirosmart seminar
Treated soils
The seminar can be carried out in your offices over lunch or any suitable location and time. We examine:
Remediation technologies UNIQUE to Dunton and comparisons to traditional techniques.
Foundation Solutions utilising remediated soils.
Pavement construction utilising remediated soils.
EradZion8 Japanese knotweed eradication.
Rapid reduction of metals and hydrocarbon contaminant levels to below SSRC or allowing removal to restoration locations.
“EnviroSMART can inform you on outstanding ways to save time and money.”
Email us today on info@duntonenvironmental.com.uk to find out more information bookings and reservations.
Education – Advice – Support