Waste management has drastically affected the construction industry and there is an ever growing need to consider the potential impact of these changes on your organisation. It is becoming imperative for developers and house builders to understand the complexities that they may face in even greater detail and to continually explore the solutions available to them.
In order to assist our client’s in understanding some of these risks and challenges, particularly related to brownfield development, Dunton is running enviroSMART™ for our valued customers. The seminars are tailor made to help inform on the innovative technologies and solutions available with the ultimate end goal of saving our clients’ money and time whilst ensuring compliance and environmental sustainability.
The enviroSMART™ seminar will cover the following topics:
- Rapid Treatment of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils
- Rapid Treatment of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils
- Diverting Contaminated Soils from Landfill
- Rapid treatment of Invasive Species
If you would like to book your free enviroSMART™ lunchtime Seminar, please contact us on 01213564360.