Case Study
Sainsbury’s River Diversion Works
Client: Mace
Location: Former Churnet Works, Leek, Staffordshire
Contract Value: £750K
As part of Sainsbury’s major redevelopment of the former Churnet Works in Leek, Staffordshire, Dunton Environmental successfully created an attractive riparian environment by successfully diverting the River Churnet to flow through the new scheme.
- To keep the existing 300m total river length continuously flowing throughout the construction phase.
- Restricted working arrangements to accommodate other build contractors and phasing.
- Soils contaminated with asbestos fibres and asbestos containing materials (ACMs).
- Multiple stands of Japanese Knotweed requiring eradication.
- To complete all works by fixed Sainsbury’s store opening date.
- River-wall demolition works.
- Construction of a temporary dam and diversion channel.
- Management of fish pass and rescue works.
- Excavation and realignment of the existing river course.
- Engineered fill of the old watercourse, silt management and site re-profiling works.
- Contaminated soils re-used within the development in accordance with an approved Materials Management Plan (MMP).
- Rapid Japanese Knotweed treatment using our in-house EradZion8TM product.

Mace are an international consultancy and construction business. They shape the cities and communities of the future by connecting clients, communities, suppliers and partners.
- Successfully constructed an attractive riparian environment enhancing the redevelopment scheme. The River Churnet remained open throughout the 6 month programme.
- Contaminated construction arisings re-used in the development to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.
- Project completed on budget and within the agreed programme. The new Sainsbury’s store opened its doors to the local community in January 2013.

“We found Dunton to be a professional and competent subcontractor who performed to programme throughout, adhered to health & safety requirements and provided an excellent service. We were very satisfied.”
Tim Smith
Quantity Surveyor