Case Study
Holly Lane, Birmingham
Client: Persimmon Homes
Location: Holly Lane, Birmingham
Contract Value: £5M
- Complex former landfill site remediated and enabled for housing development.
Scope of Works:
- Initial site and ground investigation to obtain vital information prior to design
- Design sign off from the regulators including the EA, LA, EHO and NHBC
- Installation of the site hoarding to the perimeter of the site
- Excavation, processing and re-engineering of 250,000m3 of landfill waste Crushing all oversize concrete to 6F2 under a WRAP protocol
- Bioremediation to contaminated hydrocarbon materials
- Spray treatment to the areas of Japanese knotweed
- Maintaining critical information for sign off, including MMP and geotechnical and chemical testing
- Installation of a clean capping layer for protection of human health
Dunton worked with Persimmon Homes to take a previous design (from 2010) and re-design based on modern techniques and our experience in regenerating landfills. Initial Site and Ground investigations were carried out to establish vital criteria such as material type, settlement, water table, high wall location and gas concentrations. The site was monitored for over a year prior to the re-design. The new design including a revised earthworks specification allowed the removal of the gas venting system as well as other key items such as leachate removal. Due to the tight control of the earthworks’ specification and on-site geotechnical testing, most of the houses could be built with traditional foundations. The site itself is surrounded by houses, a local park, a school and a watercourse.

Persimmon Homes has been creating new communities across the UK since 1972.
Last year the company built more than 14,800 new homes,
making Persimmon Homes one of the largest housebuilders in the industry.