Case Study
Clancy Docwra for Transport for London
Client: Clancy Docwra for Transport for London
Location: Silwood Triangle, London Borough of Lewisham
Contract Value: £1.8M
The site, a former East London waste tip with a significant contaminated land legacy, was to be redeveloped on a fast track program by Transport for London. Our integrated waste management solution provided our Client with a 100% cost saving by treating and processing 80,000 tons of contaminated wastes destined for hazardous landfill.
- To facilitate the construction of new railway sidings for Transport for London within their fast track programme in line with Boris Johnson’s 2012 manifesto.
- The site had a long history of large scale fly-tipping resulting from the regeneration of the London Docklands area.
- It was of high profile concern to environmental regulators and led directly to the creation of the current waste carrier system, led by Lewisham Deptford MP Joan Ruddock.
- A significant thickness of made ground was encountered at the site comprising asbestos and hazardous soils with elevated hydrocarbons and heavy metals.
- A buried Japanese Knotweed cell was also located within the centre of the site together with reinforced concrete slabs.
- Dunton Environmental was appointed to undertake enabling works and manage 80,000 tons of surplus contaminated wastes.
- Hazard assessment of materials in line with EA WM2 Hazardous Waste Guidance.
- Excavation, processing, treatment and off-site disposal was achieved within a 3.5 month programme.
- Treatment undertaken using a combination of Dunton’s in-house product range, including Bio-Accelerator for treating hydrocarbons, Regener8 for heavy metal treatment and EradZion8 for Japanese Knotweed.
- Successful negotiation with environmental regulators and off-site disposal facilities.

Clancy Docwra Limited is a national construction company – directly employing over 2,500 staff and operating across the Water, Energy, Multi Utility, Rail and Infrastructure Civils sectors. They want to be the UK’s most trusted provider of essential services.
- 80,000 Tons of contaminated material successfully treated and processed.
- 90% of contaminated wastes diverted away from hazardous landfill.
- 100% cost savings achieved for our Client.
- Project completed on time within 3.5 months.
- Project completed within budget.

“We have known the Dunton team for a number of years and I’ve personally worked with them on a few of these schemes. They are a good, clear and knowledgeable partner who have brought innovation and efficiency to our ground regeneration schemes, hopefully they will be able to provide you with the same benefits.”
Nick Gibb LLB (Hons) APMP MRICS
Deputy Managing Director
Willmott Dixon Construction