Case Study
Clonminam Industrial, Estate Facility, Portlaoise
Client: ENVA Ireland LTD
Location: Clonminam Industrial, Estate Facility, Portlaoise
Contract Value: £29,650
Dunton Environmental utilizes Bio-accelerator technology to rapidly treat soils heavily contaminated with hazardous levels of hydrocarbons to enable its disposal off site to an inert landfill facility.
- At one of ENVA’s facilities there were 1,100 tons of contaminated soils that required treatment.
- The initial level of mineral oil was between 6,000 mg/kg – 10,000 mg/kg. The target level to achieve was 500 mg/kg to enable its disposal off site at an inert landfill facility.
- Dunton started the treatment of the contaminated soils and streamed, screened, batched, treated, tested and validated the material after completion.
- Technology used by Dunton included Bio-accelerator and Regener8 and after 5 weeks the soils concentrations were reduced to the site target levels.

Enva is a full-service and leading provider of recycling and resource recovery solutions, employing over 1100 people at locations across the United Kingdom and Ireland.
- Soil diverted from hazardous landfill
- 1,100 tonnes Hazardous material treated
- Project was completed on time
- Project was completed on budget
- The PAH and TPH contamination levels were reduced to a level below the SSTL to be reused on site.

“Dunton are specialists in the remediation sector and have successfully delivered innovative solutions to overcome remediation challenges on a number of our developments past and present.”
Alex Vicary MRICS
Associate Director – Technical
Crest Strategic Projects