Case Study
Brewery Wharf
Client: St. James / Berkeley Group
Location: Brewery Wharf, Twickenham
Contract Value: £516,000
Dunton Environmental successfully carried out the installation of a temporary working platform to enable installation of deep foundations together with the management of all surplus arisings to facilitate residential development.
- Initial site investigation encountered hydrocarbon contamination within the made ground in the vicinity of an underground fuel tank.
- The working platform required a bearing capacity of at least 500kPa with minimal settlement.
- A surplus of 8,000m3 of potentially contaminated construction soils.
- Site access and traffic management constraints.
- A temporary working platform was provided from site won material. The platform was engineered to line and level incorporating a cut and fill operation over the site.
- Management and separation of waste and classification in accordance with the EA Technical Guidance WM2.
- Ex-situ bioremediation of hydrocarbon impacted soils by application of our Bio-AcceleratorTM to reduce waste classification and disposal costs.
- Close liaison with local haulage companies and waste management facilities to ensure project programme delivery.

Berkeley Group builds beautiful, successful places, blending homes, parks and public realm with great facilities to create fantastic communities where people love to live. They work together with trusted partners to tackle the shortage of good quality homes. They have built 19,500 homes in the last five years, across London, Birmingham and the South of England.
- Surplus soil arisings managed to achieve 99% score on ‘zero to landfill’ policy to our customer.
- Temporary working platform achieved 500kPa with the lowest settlement being 1.85mm.
- Negligible risks to the surrounding environment or future end-users.
- Project completed on budget and within the agreed programme.

“It’s refreshing to have such a positive, well-mannered and hardworking one-team approach from all the guys. All of the operatives are good to work with, the level of service has been great to date.
We are impressed with record keeping and planning future activities and forecasting potential issues of the works, this appears to be paying off as you are on target and equally working in the safe manner we must deliver.
Tom Prince MCIOB BSc (Hon’s)
Building Manager
Willmott Dixon Construction Limited